If you'd like to be a part of Issue 1 of Voices - reach out!!

Guidelines laid down by their site:
Submissions should be sent here: editorial@disparatevoices.com
If you'd like to submit written work, try to keep it under 2,000 words, and a .doc file is best.
If it's photography, images should be about 5x7 at 300 dpi, and a .jpg file is best for these.
Also: black and white images only!
NO double dipping! VOICE(S) would like original pieces that haven't found a home in another publication.
If you'd like to read or order a copy of VOICES, drop by
2226 E. 4th St.
Long Beach CA, 90814
Shea and Sé are two of the most magic people of all and they keep {open} living, filling it with books, zines,music, a gallery and treats galore!!